Looking her best
Looking her best

The Maio in Guiyang celebrate their new year around the begining of March every year. Maio is a term given to about 9 million tribal peoples who live in SW China. The girl is wearing traditional dress, although lipstick is not, at the Gannang Xiang Lusheng Festival.



Location: Gannang Xiang, Guiyang Province, China.

Photographer: © Neil Harris

Looking her best

The Maio in Guiyang celebrate their new year around the begining of March every year. Maio is a term given to about 9 million tribal peoples who live in SW China. The girl is wearing traditional dress, although lipstick is not, at the Gannang Xiang Lusheng Festival.

Location: Gannang Xiang, Guiyang Province, China.

Photographer: © Neil Harris