Noviciate monk
Noviciate monk

The Novitiation Ceremony [Shinbyu in Burmese] takes place when a young boy enters the monastery to become a Buddhist novice. The royal outfit is worn by novitiates-to-be before ordination, re-enacts Prince Rahula's [Buddha's son] rejection of a princely life in exchange for a life of self-detachment.



Location: Noviciate monk, Shwedagon, Myanmar [Burma]

Photographer: © Neil Harris

Noviciate monk

The Novitiation Ceremony [Shinbyu in Burmese] takes place when a young boy enters the monastery to become a Buddhist novice. The royal outfit is worn by novitiates-to-be before ordination, re-enacts Prince Rahula's [Buddha's son] rejection of a princely life in exchange for a life of self-detachment.

Location: Noviciate monk, Shwedagon, Myanmar [Burma]

Photographer: © Neil Harris